Saturday, November 27, 2010

Funny Things in Holland

Mindy found this at the local grocery store.  She actually wanted to get some of these Chupa Chups, but they were .... Sugar-Free, gross!

Open to Interpretation

They sell combimagnetrons, a television, microwave, convection oven, and grill all-in-one!  Let there be cake, reheated food, and grilled asparagus!

TV feature is purely aesthetic

These Dutch bunnies and guinea pigs are really good buddies, and they like to sleep in a big pile like in "Where the Wild Things Are."

Mindy Likes This.

"It's so fluffy I want to die!" - Despicable Me (2010)

Fluffy the Teddy Bear Hamster Reincarnated

As Mindy was biking to some obscure place, she found horsies.  There were three of them, except the third one wasn't cute.  But Mindy pretended to take pictures of it, so it wouldn't feel unloved.
Cute Horsies
Good-Bye Horsies

Holland sells Barbecue :)

Dutch Barbecue

Holland also sells things I would never purchase :)

Watches from the Mars

Mindy witnessed a Dutch wedding outside City Hall.  There was a horse drawn carriage and a dressed up horse handler.  The horses had sunglasses and no Central Park horse poop trays.  The horsies were really neat.

Handler and Horsies with Sunglasses
Horse Drawn Carriage

Bride & Groom + Einstein's Brother


What a Hunk (of cheese!)

They use commas instead of decimal points.  And they don't celebrate Halloween, but they do sell pumpkins with stickers :)

Local Supermarket 

Pumpkin yet to be Carved

Strange ladies in costume like to roam the streets singing strange songs.

Ladies in the City of The Hague (Den Haag)

Ladies singing "Purple and Red" Song

Dutch Totoro's are creepy.

Totoro's in Rotterdam
Euroland is neither an amusement park nor an arcade...

... it's a convenience store
Holland celebrates Sinterklaas during the first week of December as opposed to Santa Claus on Christmas Day.  Sinterklaas is white and has negro helpers and a white stallion.  No joke...

Sinterklaas Gift Wrapping
Holland loves ribbon, just like Mindy does :)
Ribbon in Delft

The Dutch love to travel.  Guess I could have gotten my Lonely Planet book after I arrived in Europe.

Travel Guides @ Book Store

Holland is small, but Holland likes big toys and BIG colored pencils -

Humongous Colored Pencils

Hey Bitch!

                 ... who stole my red tail light

... you forgot my white head light SUCKER